The Recovery Period For Breast Augmentation

The Recovery Period for Breast Augmentation


Terry Bayer

While some women feel perfectly fine with their natural cup sizes, other women second-guess Mother Nature and opt for one of the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures today: breast augmentation. Some women tend to feel more womanly with breasts that are more prominent. By now, you probably already how the surgery works, but do you know what happens after?

Well to begin with, breast augmentation is classified as a major surgery. Women who go through the procedure take some time to recover. And like regular surgeries, doctors recommend that patients stay in the clinic in the first two to three days after surgery.

Strong painkillers allow patients to feel no pain, but movement is still very limited because of the soreness and the swelling. And, as if that s not uncomfortable enough, patients are advised not to shower for up to a week to prevent the stitches from getting wet and infected.


According to

Los Angeles breast augmentation

experts, it s normal for the patient to feel some pain in the first few weeks to the first month after surgery. So, along with a regular dose of painkillers, the patient takes post-op antibiotics and anti-inflammatory pills, too. The breasts may still be a little stiff during the mornings and some time before sleeping but they will gradually soften up to a point when the implants start to feel like they actually belong to the woman s body.

Moreover, post-surgery instructions may vary depending on the surgeon who performed the procedure. However,

Los Angeles breast augmentation

experts recommend newly-operated women to wear underwire bras only after a month, or when the incisions have healed. Initially avoiding the use of underwire bras helps women keep the incisions safe, especially those on the breast folds.

Lastly, you may want to know when it s safe for the breasts to experience physical contact. There s no rigid rule on this, according to

Los Angeles breast augmentation

experts. The only rule depends on the extent to which the incisions have healed and when the woman feels comfortable with the feel and look of her breasts. Technically, to be safe, this would take around three to five months

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